The Oxford English Dictionary offers the following in regard to circumstantiality:
Circumstantial quality, attention to details, particularity.
The Oxford English Dictionary seems to leave out, or rather, disregard a judgement value, for the "free online medical dictionary" defines the phenomena as "a disturbed pattern of speech or writing characterized by delay in getting to the point because of interpolation of unnecessary details and irrelevant parenthetical remarks." This particular dictionary also points to a synonymous idea called "flight of ideas," which is a "nearly continuous flow of rapid speech that jumps from topic to topic, usually based on discernible associations, distractions, or play on words, but sometimes disorganized and incoherent" (these definitions pack too many worms in their terms (where the hell does that expression even come from? Well i'll tell you briefly. From what I gather, fishermen used to purchase bait in metal cans c.1950, and when the can were opened, worms would try to escape, and when that occurred, the fishermen had many a problems on their hands but a fish wasn't one (:P) anyway...back to the main point: circumstantiality.) disorganized, incoherent, disturbed, irrelevant, play on words, are all terms which telegraph the point I raised above in regard to intention, for these seemingly erratic and disjointed coherences may indeed illustrate a point about coherence addicts under the grip of time. Circumstantuality? ain't nobody got time for that, time is money. Well...
Money is not time
world is craking and laughing
is the only certainty, which is no certainty at all
sun will eventually burn out
one will witness it
will wind down (the gyre unwires)
starts and ends with me and you
and gasping
are already on the way
Though this be madness, yet there is method in 't.
Wikipedia (the most valid source on the internet) adds that this type of speech is often associated with schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Ah, Circum (around) stance (to stand) -tiality now comes full circle:
Basically, too many details in explanation suggests one is crazy, especially if there is no return to the original point, if there indeed ever was a point to begin with.
"His situation, insofar as he was a machine, was complex, tragic, and laughable. But the sacred part of him, his awareness, remains an unwavering band of light"-Vonnegut, Bluebeard (1987).
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