A time for retrospective, but instead of looking at the past, I'll state something catchy, pithy...cliche: let's look toward the future. yatta yatta. 2015. New year. New beginnings. blah blah. New year rants are so last year.
And linear concepts of time--beginning, middle, end--are soooo Western.
Let's look East: the end is the beginning is the end. The past is present in carpe diem memories and etc etc...and the future is Kalachakra "time-cycles" which recycle, like rubbish and Phillip Dick's "Kipple," and nipples. Bloody Re-volutions a la Crass and Mariano Azuelas' The Underdogs. But if you go east long enough you'll end up back in the west and then east is west and west is east and soon "the end is the beginning is the end" is a hit song, by a 90's alternative rock band, about a rich man who was taught to fight in some type of esoteric eastern occidental fighting system by an organization called the League of Shadows.
Circles are hell: you end up where you start.
Lines are madness: there doesn't seem an end.
Circles and lines O-O-O-O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O ad infinitum & ∞ and so on and so on and son and father and...
Antiphon held that time was merely a concept while Parmenides added that time was an illusion. I'm not sure that Pope Gregory and the 365 days a year calendar aligned to equinoxes and solstices would agree (well, I guess religion could link Antiphon and Parmenides with Colossians 3:2).
Still, time as illusion does hold some weight in some metaphysical sense; it can give hope that after death (the ultimate end to the time of one's life-span), there is another "plane", or "realm," of continuation. More lines. Heaven. More circles. Nirvana. Lines. Purgatory. Zig-Zag.
At the end it's probably a big Nike sign telling you "just do it" and go into the light, keep calm and Go Gently Into That Good Night. Relax. It'll be alright. The brain acts to protect itself, and why wouldn't it create a massive illusion, or Honest-to-God scenario (ba-dum kshh), near the end in order to remain calm and go easy into that "light." Keep ©alm and Go into the Light.
But enough about time and death and birth and rebirth--- 2 0 1 5.
7:14pm. 5 hours away.
Yatta yatta. click. tap. scroll. like. post. update. omg. lol. idgaf. ... . .. .. .
.- / -.-. ..- .-.. - ..- .-. . / --- ..-. / .. -- .- --. . ...
words words words. 2015. Goodbye, for now. Headed to a "party."